Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I am thinking that it is worth a flight to Chicago to attend an Oprah taping. Can you believe all those people got new cars? Watching their reactions reminded me of the SNL skit of one of her birthday give away shows. The only thing missing in real life was someone fainting. I think it is fabulous!

In Pregnancy news…

This morning Grumpy Girl reappeared. Maybe she was woken up by the extreme charlie horse that had me screaming at 3am or maybe it was the Adorable Dog puking in her crate at 5 am and then stealthily licking it up before we could get out of bed to clean it up. Whatever it was, she is back. Wonderful Husband is busy and not able to properly focus on cajoling Grumpy Girl to hit the road.

I just realized that I have 100 days to go until my due date. YIKES!


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