The Big Day!
Finally, the big day is here. I am so relieved that it is Election Day and I am amazed we have a barn burner on our hands. A year ago, I would have predicted that Bush would be polling 10 point up right now.
Vote!!!!! even if your state is swaying in a direction you don’t agree with. Though the Presidential race is important there are a ton of other offices, and possibly issues, you should voice your opinion on. It really does matter.
I have to say that I find this even split across the country reassuring. It is nice to know that no matter where you stand, about half the country agrees. I tend to feel my views are very isolated to my network of friends and the ‘liberal’ town I live in. That simply isn’t true. It also isn’t true that the more conservative town down the highway or my conservative family members are rare – they too are joined by half the country. We all count and that is a nice feeling.
My uncharacteristically hopeful prediction is Kerry slight wins the popular vote and the Electoral College splits 274 to 264 in Kerry’s favor. We’ll see…
In baby news….
I have reached that “Boy, you are REALLY pregnant stage.” The Bean is growing and so am I.
We have a shower this weekend and some of our out of town friends are coming to visit. It will be me, Wonderful Husband, Arizona friend, Missouri friend, Missouri friend’s boyfriend, two crazy cats and cute dog in a house with two bedrooms, one bathroom and a whopping 950 square feet. Fun stuff.
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