Thursday, November 17, 2005

Spread the germs

Today Little and I went to music class. As part of a song, we went around the room saying, "Today, I feel....." All was well and good - a lot of tired, happy, silly-until we got to the "I feel sick."

Now why in the hell would you bring your kid to a class with ten other kids when your child is sick. That is just wrong.

I remember before Little had her first cold, if there was a kiddo with a runny nose I didn't really care. Two awful colds and the CROUP later, keep your germ infested child away from mine.

When the women said that, everyone mumbled under their breath "Then why did you come to class?". In three days, we will all be cursing the woman.


Blogger Lauri said...

Ugh! I get SO mad at parents who bring their kids to where ever when they are sick...they have NO clue what a little cold can do to an asthmatic child! I want to tell them "Your kids runny nose is gonna send my child to the emergency room!" Get a clue, people!


5:39 PM  
Blogger Bridgermama said...

I don't get it! I used to teach and this kind of stuff happened all the time! Basically it would get passed around the room for a couple of months, then the next bout would start. Annoying! Let's just say I developed a bullet proof immune system.

10:56 PM  

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