Friday, October 29, 2004

The things people say…

“I just started taking my birthing classes and they are a little much. My husband signed us up for Bradley method classes because he really wants me to have a natural birth.”

How nice of him…

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Well rounded

These two searches recently brought people here.

"Don't enjoy being pregnant"
"Proud to be a democrat trucker hat"

Okay, the first one I totally understand;the second one is just funny. Let the record show, I don't own a "proud to be a democrat trucker hat" though I am proud to be a democrat.


Friday, October 22, 2004

Picture this...

I am standing in line at the only flu clinic in town. There is an older woman chumming it up with a new mother in front of her.

Older woman: “What a lovely baby. Can’t be older than 3 or 4 months, can he?”
New Mom: “Good guess. He is four months.”
Older Woman: “What a wonderful age and look at you, so thin.”
New Mom: “Thank you. That really makes my day.”
A few minutes pass. The older woman is obviously annoyed by something.

Older woman: “Honey, I don’t mean to be rude but you know this clinic is for high risk people only, right?”
New Mom: “Yes.”
Older woman: “I am sorry, honey, but only children older than six months are considered high risk.”
New Mom: “Well, people constantly around new borns also fall in the high risk category and my doctor recommended that I get a shot.”
Older Woman: “The news has not said that once. It is okay for her to be here (pointing at me), she pregnant. I am not sure about you.”
New Mom: “He will be old enough to receive the vaccine in two months but there will not likely be any supply left. I am breastfeeding so my doctor recommended that I get the shot so I will be protected and also pass along the immunity to him.”
Older Woman: “I don’t know if you are right about that- the news hasn’t mentioned that once.”
A few minutes pass.
Old Woman: “You are breastfeeding? Humpf, no wonder he is so chubby.”

As the line snakes around, the older woman complains to the screener. The screener tells her to mind her own business.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Random comments...

Baby making is hard work. It can really wear a girl out. Soon I am going to have to start going to bed at 7:30 in order to feel rested during the day.

Wonderful Husband and I are about to move on to separate beds. He is a good sport but I know my tossing, turning and peeing every other hour is taking its toll on him. The thought of sleeping alone makes me sad. I don’t know why it bothers me because I am encased in a wall of pillows and barely realize he is there. I like having him near me and not in another room. If only we could spring for a King sized bed.
This week we visited a pediatrician’s office. It was surreal; another action that made it crystal clear the reality of our situation. This squirmy thing in my tummy doesn’t always seem real. I am used to being pregnant and can sometimes forget that eventually the Bean is going to make an appearance in the real world. When I “interview” a doctor about the care they will provide my child, the reality of the impending becomes very clear. (and very scary)
I have entered the single digit week count down. Where did the time go? No longer am I wishing for a fast forward button, I actually would like a reverse button. Your first trimester creeps by and then all of a sudden you are down to the single digits. I don’t think I am ready for this. Help!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

knock on wood

Yesterday, I had my 30 week appointment at my OB office. I have reached the point where I have appointments with the other doctors in the practice just in case they are on call when the Bean decides to make her appearance. Is it a bad thing that I now secretly hope my regular doctor isn’t available because I absolutely loved the doctor we met with yesterday?

Super Cool Doctor told me I was having the perfect pregnancy. (no, this isn’t why I like her). I asked her to knock on wood – statements like that cause nothing but trouble. She laughed at me and then knocked on the cabinet.

She made this declaration after she told me I gained an enormous amount of weight in two weeks (she said it is all water and it will disappear right after birth – again, not why I like her) and she examined my tree trunk ankles and my fat fingers. I also had explained that I don’t get more than two hours of sleep at a time and that my current food of choice are TUMS because I have such bad heartburn. Sure sounds perfect to me - really, it does. She said it was and I believe her. My complaints are minute and overall I feel great. Things are good. But please knock on wood…just in case.

In other news…
Wonderful Husband is finally internalizing that we are having a child. Everyday he tells me some sort of story about something he read or noticed about parenting. Yesterday, we were leaving to walk the dog and he turned to me and said, “Oh no, prom. She is going to go to prom and I will be crying when she walks out the door.” Oh how I adore Wonderful Husband.