Thursday, December 23, 2004

Early Arrival

I have been out of touch because my little bundle of joy decided to arrive early in an unexpected way. We all made it through with flying colors and are home and doing well.

The title of my blog has much more meaning than it did before. There are many things about labor and parenthood that no one ever mentions.

The Bean is an amazing baby and quite beautiful, if I do say so myself.

I hope to post more about the birth and the first week of parenthood soon. Hopefully, you are still reading.
Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 02, 2004

HOLY SHIT, I am having a baby.

Today I had my 37 week appointment and it scared the shit out of me. Last week the baby was high, my cervix was long and very tight. The doctor didn’t think we should expect anything for several weeks. Today, the Bean is “very low” and I am 50% effaced. The doctor is now singing a new tune. She said the Bean could come tonight or a week after my due date but was she surprised by the rapid change in status and suggested we get things in order.

I have been mentally preparing myself for a late baby and this development made me think she could arrive early. I started crying the second we left the office. Late arrival I am ready for; early arrival, not so much. Nothing at work is ready for my departure and I don’t even have my hospital bag packed.