Grumpy Girl
Today is one of those “I am pregnant and I am grumpy” days. No one can do anything that doesn’t irritate the shit out of me. For the sake of the public, I need to be quarantined. It is inhumane to expect me to work and be nice to people when I am in a mood like this.
One of my best friends called today;I was even irritated by her. I didn’t think she was being supportive enough when I know she is wiped out from caring for her own child who has just begun crawling. I recognize that it is a small feat for her to find the time to pick up the phone; yet today, that wasn’t enough for pregnant me. An email from another friend, who has an advanced degree in “my life is awful,” really put me over the edge. Yes, I know you are very busy and important. Yes, you have mentioned that your job sucks. Hi there… remember me… your friend who is making a baby – things are also a little chaotic for me too. No questions about me, how I am feeling, is everything going okay? She is lucky we do not live in the same town. With the mood I am in today, I would have stormed to her office and given her a piece of my mind.
My two main side effects of pregnancy have been fatigue and grumpiness. I know I do not have much to complain about – it could be much, much worse. I also understand why my body may want to over produce some crazy hormone that makes me grumpy. When it is in the process of hosting another life, your body has the right to make you grumpy. I just wish that gumpy days came with a “GET OUT OF DEALING WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD” card.